




The Illusion of Verisimilitude--Johan Nieuhof's Images of China, Leden University Press, 2013。


1."The Role of Chinese Prints and Paintings in Johan Nieuhof's Images of China", EurAsia Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800, Heidelberg University,21-23 Novermber 2014

2."The Multiple Layers of Space in Benozzo Gozzoli's 'The Procession of the Magi'", Space in Renaissance Italy Harvard Shanghai Center, 16-17 October 2014

3.“From Telling to Engaging: The Educational Role of the Museum in China”,Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, volume 106, 10 December, 2013, pp.1242–1250。

4.“A Primary Study on dGe vdun chos vphel’s 27 Paintings”, China Tibetology, No.1, 2013


6.“Exotic Imitation and Local Cultivation--A Study on the Art Form of Dutch Delftware between 1640 and 1720", The Transformation of Vernacular Expression in Early Modern Arts, Brill: Leiden, 2011, pp.373-398.

7.Chinese Images in the West in the Seventeenth Century”, Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, 2010, Osaka, Japan.

8.“A Bridge between Reality and Imagination”, 97th Annual Conference of the CAA (College Art Association), 2009, Los Angeles, USA.

9.“Chinese Images in Europe--A Study on Johan Nieuhof’s Images of China”, the NYCAS (New York Conference on Asian Studies), 2008, New York, USA.
