主讲:刘玮 (中国人民大学哲学院)

Title:Technē and Virtue in Aristotle
Socrates and Plato (hereafter I will simply use “Plato” to mean the Socrates in Platonic dialogues) often uses technē as a model to illustrate virtue,1 but interestingly enough, Plato neither separates technē and virtue, nor explicitly identifies technē as a specific virtue in juxtaposition with courage, moderation, justice, piety, and wisdom. So in the end, we are more or less left in obscurity concerning the status of technē in Platonic dialogues.
When we turn to Aristotle, then, we see that he also uses technē to illustrate virtue, at least some important features of virtue, and he explicitly identifies technē as one of the intellectual virtues. But at the same time, he also takes pains to separate technē from all the other virtues. This identification and separation cause some obscurities and problems, and lead a number of commentators to doubt or deny that technē is qualified as a genuine virtue. In what follows I will discuss, first, how Aristotle uses the convenient model of technē to illustrate virtue, both ethical, and intellectual; second, why Aristotle identifies technē as a virtue; third, how Aristotle separates technē from other virtues, both ethical and intellectual, and the problems this separation seems to cause; and last of all, the possible solutions to the problems raised in section III.