
Introduction to Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy

澳门沙金在线平台 2015年

Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University (Beijing), 2015

【缘起与背景/ Background】

澳门沙金在线平台是“现代中国哲学”发祥地之一,更是中国的“西方哲学研究”的发源地与学术重镇。清华的西方哲学研究曾在清华人文社会科学的缔造中起过举足轻重的作用:王国维(1877-1927)借助于对叔本华哲学的研究而在“红学”、诗词艺术理论等领域独领风骚;梁启超(1873-1929)在清华开启了中国最早介绍与研究欧洲大陆哲学,既为他自己获得世界性理论视野,也为后续中国学者通过研究西方哲学来开创“现代中国哲学”奠定了基础;随后的金岳霖(1895-1984)、冯友兰(1895-1990)、贺麟(1902-1992)、张申府(1893-1986)、张岱年(1909-2004)等作为澳门沙金在线平台具有代表性的学者和哲学家,都是在深入研究西方哲学的基础上对“现代中国哲学”做出了卓越贡献,形成了“清华哲学学派”,成为1920-1950年代中国人文科学领域里声名遐迩的“清华学派”的重要一部分,对其他人文社会科学产生了深远影响。他们及其他们的继者如沈有鼎(1909-1989)、王玖兴(1916-2013)、何兆武(1921-)等清华学人的研究成果既代表了中国现代哲学的高度,也代表了20世纪中国西方哲学研究的深度。这些构成“清华哲学学派”核心成员的学者们,在哲学教学与科研实践中,创造性地运用西方哲学的方法、概念系统、话语方式和中国传统的哲学资源,力求“会通中西、贯通古今”,造就了富有原创精神的学术传统。 “清华哲学学派”,特别是澳门沙金在线平台的深厚传统在澳门沙金在线平台早年的人文社会科学的草创、发展乃至取得辉煌成就的过程中,曾发挥过极其重要的基础性作用,我们希望清华今天的西方哲学学科建设能够同样引领新的学术和思想范式的建构,推动清华的人文社会科学再创辉煌。一份高质量的西方哲学研究方面的专门学术刊物,既能帮助接续澳门沙金在线平台的学术传统,成为积累学术成就和交流学术成果的有效平台,也是强化西方哲学学科建设而努力再创澳门沙金在线平台新高度的有效途径。有鉴于此,在澳门沙金在线平台双聘教授、中国社会科学院学部委员叶秀山先生和澳门沙金在线平台副校长谢维和教授的建议与支持下,澳门沙金在线平台决定在2015年创办半年刊辑刊:《澳门沙金在线平台(Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy)》。

Tsinghua University (Beijing) is not only one of the most important cradles of “modern Chinese philosophy,” but also the birthplace and the academic center of Western philosophy study in China. During the first half of the 20th century, Western philosophy research in Tsinghua played a pivotal role in constructing humanities and social sciences of Tsinghua University and even of whole China. For example, the master of Chinese traditional learning, WANG Guowei (1877-1927), obtained outstanding academic achievements in the field of Redology (the studies of CAO Xueqin's Dream of the Red Chamber) and the Chinese ancient poetics or aesthetics based on his studies of Schopenhauer's philosophy; the great thinker, LIANG Qichao (1873-1929), was the first scholar who introduced European continental philosophy to China and advanced the research of it in Tsinghua, which not only established his status as a uniquely pioneering and global-minded thinker in political and social philosophy, but also partly helped lay foundation for modern Chinese philosophy. Through the wide-ranging and deep-delving studies of Western philosophy, the following philosophers and scholars in Tsinghua: JIN Yuelin (1895-1984), FENG Youlan (1895-1990), HE Lin (1902-1992), ZHANG Shenfu (1893-1986), ZHANG Dainian (1909-2004) and so on, formed “the Tsinghua School of Philosophy”, which has made great contribution to modern Chinese philosophy. This School, as one of the most crucial parts of “the Tsinghua School”, which led the famous academic trend in the field of humanities from the 1920s to the 1950s in modern China, has exercised great influence on other disciplines. These founders of this School and their successors, such as SHEN Youding (1909-1989), WANG Jiuxing (1916-2013), HE Zhaowu (1921-), to some extent, are not only those whose philosophizing represents one of the most significant trends in modern Chinese philosophy, but also those whose philosophical academic work represents the most fruitful endeavor of Western philosophy research in China. The academic and philosophical approaches of this School encourage scholars to creatively combine the methods/conceptual systems/discourse modes of Western philosophy with the resource/problems of Chinese ancient thoughts in order to establish a new tradition of historical-systematical study of Chinese philosophy, to actualize the potential of Chinese ancient philosophy, and to construct an original philosophy——modern Chinese philosophy. The ultimate aim of the Tsinghua School is “会通中西、贯通古今 (to integrate or amalgamate Chinese and Western thoughts through systematic interinterpretations or constructive synthesizations, and to interpret or grasp thoughts from the ancient to the present through thorough understandings or systematic reconstructions) ”. Since the Tsinghua School of Philosophy has played a fundamental role in the past development of humanities and social sciences of Tsinghua, the current and future researches on Western philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University (DPTU) are expected also to follow its early tradition established by these predecessors, and to prompt the formation of a new academic paradigm. In view of the fact that the publication of a high-standard journal of Western philosophy could be in service of meeting this expectation, DPTU launches a biannual journal Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy (TSWP) in 2015.


《澳门沙金在线平台》积极推动中国的西方哲学研究的专业化与国际化,推进中国学者与国际同行之间持久深入而富有成效的对话, 同时也秉承“清华哲学学派”的传统,倡导中西思想互证互参以会通中西思想而开创世界普遍之学。作为中国第一份西方哲学研究领域的专门刊物,我们努力成为代表中国的西方哲学研究最高水平的一流刊物和基于中西哲学会通基础上的原创哲学的标杆性阵地。

The central purposes of Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy (TSWP) are:

1.to facilitate the specialization and internationalization of Western philosophy research in China,2、to promote long-term and fruitful dialogues between Chinese scholars and their international colleagues,

2.to carry out the early tradition of the Tsinghua School of Philosophy,

3.to advocate a structural, systematical and integrative interinterpretation between Chinese and Western philosophy, and a historical, thorough and consistent understanding of the philosophy from the ancient to the present,

4.and to encourage the construction of a more universal philosophy on the basis of mutual inspiration and interinterpretations between the two traditions.

As a journal mainly specializing in Western philosophy, TSWP wishes to be a first-class journal, which presents high-quality researches of Western philosophy and remarkable dialogues between China and the Western.

【形式与内容/Forms & Contents】


TSWP is a biannual journal with a summer issue and a winter issue that comes out every June and December. It publishes high-quality academic articles, notes and discussions, current scholarship reviews and book reviews, and calls for Chinese or English papers from scholars both inside and outside China. Lengths of submissions are advised to be between 10, 000 and 15, 000 words for academic articles and not to exceed 10, 000 for other ones (no set maximum in some exceptional circumstances permitted by editors). The topics are expected to be about either historical and/or systematical studies in almost all main branches of Western philosophy (ranging from ancient to contemporary philosophy), or comparative studies of or dialogues between Chinese and Western philosophy. TSWP will strictly follow the international standards of academic norms, format style, paper review (peer review), edition, and publication.


学术咨询委员会/Academic Advisory Board


YE Xiushan (叶秀山) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/ Tsinghua University, China

XIE Weihe (谢维和) Tsinghua University, China

WAN Junren (万俊人) Tsinghua University, China


Jacques Bidet University of Paris X, France

Wolfgang Carl University of Goettingen, Germany

John M. Cooper Princeton University, USA

DENG Xiaomang (邓晓芒) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Wolfgang Freitag University of Freiburg, Germany

Markus Gabriel University of Bonn, Germany

Simon Glendinning London School of Economics, UK

JIN Xiping (靳希平) Peking University, China

Jean-Francois Kervegan University of Paris I, France

Anton F. Koch Heidelberg University, Germany

Sandra Lapointe MacMaster University, Canada

LIANG Zhixue (梁志学) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

LI Qiuling (李秋零) Renmin University of China, China

NI Liangkang (倪梁康) Sun Yat-sen University, China

Emanuel Renault University of Paris X, France

Greg Restall University of Melbourne, Australia

Tom Rockmore Duquesne University, USA

Birgit Sandkaulen University of Bochum, Germany

Thomas M. Scanlon Harvard University, USA

Thomas Schmidt Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

Malcolm Schofield University of Cambridge, UK

Thomas Sheehan Stanford University, USA

Robert Stern University of Sheffield, UK

Martin Stokhof University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

SUN Zhouxing(孙周兴) Tongji University, China

TONG Shijun(童世骏) East China Normal University, China

WANG Lu (王路) Tsinghua University, China

WANG Shuren (王树人) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

YAO Dazhi (姚大志) Jilin University, China

YAO Jiehou (姚介厚) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

YU Jiyuan (余纪元) State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

ZHAO Dunhua (赵敦华) Peking University, China

ZHANG Xianglong (张祥龙) Peking University/ Shandong University, China

ZHANG Zhiwei (张志伟) Renmin University of China, China

ZHANG Rulun (张汝伦) Fudan University, China

编辑委员会/Editorial Board

主编/Editor-in-Chief:HUANG Yusheng(黄裕生) Tsinghua University, China

执行主编/Associate Editor-in-Chief:SONG Jijie(宋继杰) Tsinghua University, China


CHEN Dezhong(陈德中) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

CHEN Jiaming(陈嘉明) Xiamen University, China

CHEN Yajun(陈亚军) Nanjing University, China

CUI Weihang(崔唯航) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

DENG Anqing(邓安庆) Fudan University, China

FANG Xianghong(方向红) Sun Yat-sen University, China

FU Youde(傅有德) Shandong University, China

FU Yongjun(傅永军)Shandong University, China

GUO Dawei(郭大为) Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C, China

HAN Lixin(韩立新) Tsinghua University, China

HAN Shuifa(韩水法) Peking University, China

HANG Donghui(韩东晖) Renmin University of China, China

JIANG Yi(江怡) Beijing Normal University, China

LI Daqiang(李大强) Jilin University, China

LI He(李河) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

LI Meng(李猛) Peking University, China

LI Wentang(李文堂) Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C, China

LIU Fenrong(刘奋荣) Tsinghua University, China

LIU Zhe(刘哲)Peking University, China

MA Yinmao(马寅卯) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

MO Weimin(莫伟民) Fudan University, China

NIE Minli(聂敏里) Renmin University of China, China

PENG Gang(彭刚) Tsinghua University, China

SHANG Jie(尚杰) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

SHANG Xinjian(尚新建) Peking University, China

SUN Xiangchen(孙向晨) Fudan University, China

TIAN Wei(田薇) Tsinghua University, China

WANG Heng(王恒) Nanjing University, China

WANG Qi(王齐) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

WANG Xiaochao(王晓朝) Tsinghua University, China

WU Guosheng(吴国盛) Peking University, China

WU Tianyue(吴天岳) Peking University, China

XIA Ying(夏莹) Tsinghua University, China

XIE Wenyu(谢文郁) Shandong University, China

XU Xiangdong(徐向东) Zhejiang University, China

YU Qizhi(于奇智) South China Normal University, China

YU Zhenhua(郁振华)East China Normal University, China

ZHANG Shen(张慎) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

ZHANG Tingguo(张廷国)Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

ZHANG Xuefu(章雪富) Zhejiang University, China

ZHAO Guangming(赵广明)Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

ZHAO Jianying(赵剑英) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

ZHOU Lian(周濂) Renmin University of China, China

ZHOU Xiaoliang(周晓亮) Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

【出版与资助/ Publication & Sponsor】


TSWP is financially supported by Tsinghua University and published by Chinese Social Science Press (Beijing).

【联系方式/Contact Information】



地址:北京市海淀区清华园1号澳门沙金在线平台新斋哲学系235室, 100084(邮编)


TSWP Editorial Office

SONG Jijie Associate Editor-in-Chief

Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy

Department of Philosophy

Tsinghua University

Room 235, Xinzhai Building, Qinghuayuan Nr.1

Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China, 100084

