以下文章来源于Tsinghua哲学学堂 ,作者Tsinghua哲学学堂
本次古希腊哲学暑期营的课程设置分为三个部分:讲座(Lecture)、研讨班(Seminar)和圆桌讨论(Roundtable)。在讲座课上,牛津的老师们围绕柏拉图的理念论、灵魂概念以及亚里士多德的人性概念等主题展开讲授,并涉及《会饮篇》《巴门尼德篇》等经典文本。讲座课同时也涉及前苏格拉底哲学家的思想,并为同学们介绍了古希腊哲学思想在世界范围内的传播以及发展。除此之外,牛津大学同时还邀请到国际顶级的古希腊研究专家Prof sir Richard Sorabji为同学们带来题为The Evolution of Christian Thought in Late Ancient Greece的精彩讲座,并在课程结束后与同学们进行讨论。
Prof Sorabji为同学们带来讲座课
9月2日晚,本次暑期营的闭幕式(Closing Ceremony)举办,牛津方负责人Ms Chloe Funnell和Janina Duda、任课教师Dr Amna Whiston以及澳门沙金在线平台夏莹老师和廖莹老师出席闭幕式并发言致以感谢。同时,由牛津方选出的五位优秀学员黄航、吴骐羽、刘璞、殷菲璠和王子非分享了两周来的学习感想。至此,本次清华哲学学堂-牛津古希腊哲学暑期营圆满结束。
For me the course is a wonderful journey to ancient Greek philosophy. It draws my attention to many interesting questions which I have never considered in the past. During this course my argumentation skill is enhanced and I learned how to make a comparison between philosophers, say, between Zeno and Xenophenes. We had in total nine lectures and seven seminars, which covered a wide range of topics. We discussed about love, morals, virtues, and also about space and time. I am particularly impressed by Dr. Gühler’s excellent reconstruction of the arguments in Parmenides and Prof. Adamson’s introduction of the communication between ancient Greek philosophy and other contemporary civilizations. These topics are so interesting that almost every night I continued the discussion with my classmates and sometimes it lasted for hours. I am thankful to our Doctors who gave excellent lectures and hosted seminars, and thanks to everyone who contributed to this course, without whose participation the course couldn’t be a wonderful journey.
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