Han Lixin was born in 1966. He received his Ph.D. in social sciences at Hitotsubashi University in Japan. He is now an associate professor and the Vice-Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University.
His current research fields are Marxist philosophy (MEGA studies), environmental philosophy and environmental ethics, ecosocialism, and the Japanese experiment of structuring a recycle-based society. He has studied and worked in Japan for ten years. He has also visited and studied in France, Holland, Germany, Belgium. He is a key faculty member who teaches the course "the Principles of Marxist Philosophy" awarded by the State as an exemplary course.
His representative works are Ecology and Marx: A Unification of Naturalism and Humanism (in Japanese, 2001) and Environmental Axiology, Environmental Ethics: A True Moral Revolution (2005). He has published more than sixty academic papers in journals at home and abroad. He is currently working on eight projects including The Environmental Ethics of Marx sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation.